WinPrompter Teleprompter Software


WinPrompter is a full featured, native Windows-based Teleprompter program at a Ridiculously Low Cost*.

WinPrompter is designed to run on even the slowest PC, with minimum graphics resolution on any Windows platform.

Download a DEMO here.

WinPrompter Teleprompter Software provides Full Screen, Screaming Fast, Smooth Scroll with unlimited Font Styles, Sizes, Background and Foreground Colors, with Right- or Reverse-Reading capabilities.

The Scroll Speed is controlled by either keyboard, mouse or mousewheel (also trackball or trackwheel devices).

Extremely fast to learn and easy to use.

The WinPrompter Teleprompter Software package normally sells for $265, but is on sale now for $99.95, and comes complete with a 3-ring binder, disc and Users Manual.